
序号 论文名称 作者 刊物名称
1 Past, today and future development of micro-grids in China Zhu Xuan, Han Xiaoqing; 
Qin  Wen-Ping; Wang Peng
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2 Operational Reliability Assessment of Power Systems Based on Bus Voltage Wenping Qin, Jiancheng Song, Xiaoqing Han, Peng Wang IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
3 Distributed Control for Autonomous Operation of a Three-Port AC/DC/DS Hybrid Microgrid Peng Wang, Chi Jin,
Dexuan Zhu
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics
4 Autonomous Droop Scheme With Reduced Generation Cost I. U. Nutkani, Poh Chiang Loh, Peng Wang IEEE transactions on industrial electronics
5 Deliberations about three-phase PLL technologies applied to a grid control of the renewable power system Liu Liqun, Liu Chunxia BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES TECHNICAL SCIENCES
6 Modeling, Simulation, Hardware Implementation of a Novel Variable Pitch control method for H-Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine L.Q. Liu Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERI-NG
7 Optimal Azimuth And Elevation Angles Prediction Control Method And Structure For The Dual-axis Sun Tracking System, Journal of Vibration and Control L.Q. Liu, C.X. Liu,
J.S. Wang, et al,
Journal of Vibration
and Control
8 The influence factors analysis of the best orientation relative to the sun for dual-axis sun tracking system L.Q. Liu, X.Q. Han,
C.X. Liu, et al
Journal of Vibration
and Control
9 Simulation and Hardware Implementation of a Hill-Climbing Modified Fuzzy-logic for MPPT with Direct Control Method Using Boost Converter L.Q. Liu, C.X. Liu,
J.A. Wang, et al
Journal of Vibration
and Control
10 Operational Reliability Assessment of Power Systems Based on Bus Voltage Chen Ren, Wenping Qin
Liu zhijuan.
Proceeding of the World Conference on Control, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
11 System Evaluation Method Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Zhenbo Xu, Xiaoqing Han,
 Peng Wang, Wenping Qin
12 Two-Level Energy Management System for Coordination Dexuan Zhu, Peng Wang, Xiaoqing Han, Wenping Qin IEEE ICIA 2015
13 Distributed Lift Operating Control in Building Lift System Xuan Zhu, Xiao-qing Han,
Wen-ping Qin, Peng Wang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
14 The Control Method of Bidirectional AC/DC Converter with Unbalanced Voltage in Hybrid Micro-Grid GuoWenjiaoHan Xiaoqing ICIEA2015
15 Control Strategy of Automatic Charging/Discharging of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems in DC Micro-grid Island Mode  ZhaoyaominQin Wenping ICIEA2015
16 Transient Stability Study of Distributed Induction Generators Using an Improved Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Method Niancheng Zhou, P. Wang, Qianggang Wang,Poh Chiang Loh 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
17 Frequency Aspects of Power System Operational Reliability Chen Liang, Peng Wang, Xiaoqing Han, Wenping Qin, YanbingJia Journal of Vibration
and Control
18 Investigation of a Microgrid with Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Storages as a Black Start Source for Power System Restoration Dong, D., Wang, P. ,
Qin, W. , Han, X.
Journal of Vibration
and Control
19 The Sliding Mode Pitch Angle Controller Design for Squirrel-cage Induction Generator Wind Power Generation System MI Yang, BAO Xiaowei,
Journal of Vibration
and Control
20 Stochastic Modeling of Electric Vehicle Movable Loads: Nodal Impact from Transportation Difei Tang, Peng Wang Journal of Vibration
and Control
21 Hierarchical Control of Active Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) in DC Microgrids Peng Wang, Jianfang Xiao, LeonardySetyawan, Chi Jin, Choo Fook Hoong Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)
22 Dynamic Modeling of Electric Vehicle Movable Loads based on Driving Pattern Analysis Difei Tang, Peng Wang WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
23 Probabilistic Estimation of Aggregated Power Capacity of EVs for Vehicle-to-Grid Application Agarwal, L., Wang Peng ,
Goel, L.
ApplMech Material.
24 Cost-Based Droop Scheme for DC Microgrid Nutkani, I.U., Wang Peng ,
 Poh Chiang Loh ; Blaabjerg, F.
ApplMech Material.
25 Using EV Battery Packs for Vehicle-to-Grid Applications: An Economic Analysis Agarwal, L., Wang Peng ,
Goel, L.
IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies
26 The influence factors analysis of the best orientation relative to the sun for dual-axis sun tracking system L.Q. Liu, X.Q. Han,
C.X. Liu, et al
JVC/Journal  of Vibration
and Control
27 Typical insulation defects simulation and signal characteristics analysis of GIS partial discharge  Wang Kan Ning,Tian Zheng,
Yan Jie
Applied Mechanics
and Materials
28 Fusion Modeling of the Hot Rolling Strip Width Tian Jianyan*, Wang Fang, QiuHuadong, Li Wenting Journal of  Computational Information Systems
29 PD Characteristics in Transformer Oil under AC Condition Liang Ji Chong,Wang Tian Zheng, Wang Kang Ning 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
30 The Simulation Study of Transformer Inductive Oscillating Switching Impulse Voltage Generation Liang Ji Chong, Wang Tian Zheng, Wang Kang Ning Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
31 Impact on the dynamic capacity technology of wire connector fever Wang Tian Zheng The 2015 International Conference on Advances in Energy Resources and Environment Engineering
32 Study of Dynamic Thermal Rating Theory of Wind Farm Outgoing Lines Wang Tian Zheng International Conference on New Energy Science and Research (ICESR2015)
33 A new detection method of power quality disturbance  signal Wang Tian Zheng 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Research and Mechatronics Engineering
34 Dynamic Modeling and Small Signal Analysis of Push-Pull Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Hongjuan Zhang, Long Quan, Yan Gao  Computer Modelling and
New Technologies
35 Ice Thickness Sensor for Overhead Transmission Lines Based on Capacitance Sensing Dou yinke. Chang xiaomin Materialpruef-ung Materials Testing
36 考虑负荷波动极限的电力系统电压稳定性风险评估 秦文萍,任琛,韩肖清,
37 考虑支路重要度的继电保护在线校核顺序研究 贾燕冰,何海丹,刘睿琼 电网技术
38 风光蓄交流微电网的控制与仿真 韩肖清,曹增杰,杨俊虎,韩熊 电力系统及其自动化学报
39 基于电压下垂法的直流微电网混合储能系统控制策略 文波;秦文萍;韩肖清;
40 直流微网混合储能控制及系统分层协调控制策略 孟润泉,刘家赢,文波,
41 电力系统次同步振荡对风力发电机轴系疲劳损伤影响可靠性分析 田宽引,王鹏,韩肖清,
42 基于结构和概率重要度的系统统关键线路辨识 何海丹,贾燕冰,刘睿琼. 电力建设
43 复杂光照条件下串联光伏阵列特性研究及最大功率追踪 吕盛华,韩肖清等 太阳能学报
44 三电平并联型APF死区效应分析及其对策研究 武敏,孟润泉等 电力系统保护与控制
45 电压不平衡时交直流双向功率变换器的控制策略 郭文娇,韩肖清 电网技术
46 基于负荷不确定性建模的电力系统静态稳定运行风险评估 白杨,王鹏等 中国电机工程学报
47 三相PWM整流器灾难性分岔分析 任春光,李慧蓬等 中国电机工程学报
48 交直流双向功率变换器的改进下垂控制策略 刘佳易,秦文萍,韩肖清 电网技术
49 直流微电网运行控制策略 刘家赢,韩肖清,王磊,
50 计及负荷时变性及分布式电源出力波动性的配电网两级实时重构 高山山秦文萍韩肖清王鹏 电网技术
51 直流微电网储能系统自动充放电改进控制策略 秦文萍,柳雪松,韩肖清 电网技术