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  • 主讲课程
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    (1)    A molecular dynamics study on thermal conductivity enhancement mechanism of nanofluids –Effect of nanoparticle aggregation, Lu Zhou, Jiewei Zhu , Yifan Zhao , Honghe Ma, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183, 122124, SCI二区top
    (2)    A molecular dynamics study on interfacial heattransport of alkanethiol surfactant coatednanofluids-effect of chain length and stiffness, Lu Zhou & Honghe Ma, Molecular Physics, 2020, e1738580,SCI三区
    (3)    Experimental investigation on stability and thermalconductivity of dodecanethiol-coated copper nanofluids, Lu Zhou, Yifan Zhao, Honghe Ma, J Nanopart Res, 2020, 22, 199, SCI四区
    (4)    Impact of Mixing for the Production of CuO Nanoparticlesin Supercritical Hydrothermal Synthesis, Lu Zhou, Shuzhong Wang, Donghai Xu, and Yang Guo, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 481-493, SCI二区
    (5)    Size-controlled synthesis of copper nanoparticles in supercritical water, Lu Zhou, Shuzhong Wang, Honghe Ma, Suxia Ma, Donghai Xu, Yang Guo, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015, 98, 36-43, SCI三区
    (6)    Oxidation of Cu(II)-EDTA in supercriticalwater-Experimental results and modeling, Lu Zhou, Shuzhong Wang, Honghe Ma, Yanmeng Gong, Donghai Xu, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2013, 91, 286-295, SCI三区
    (7)    纳米流体中表面活性剂界面层传热特性的分子动力学模拟,周璐*,马红和,赵翊帆,工程热物理学报,2020,41(11),2834-2841. EI
    (8)    纳米流体中固-液作用影响界面热阻及导热率的分子动力学研究,周璐*,马红和,赵翊帆,工程热物理学报,2019,40(11),2603-2608. EI
    (9)    用于太阳能集热介质的纳米铜制备技术与铜纳米流体性能综述,周璐*,马红和,马素霞,杜慧娟,材料导报,2018,32(8),2576-2583.EI
    (10)    抛物槽式太阳能集热器内合成油基纳米流体传热特性的数值模拟,周璐*,马红和,计算物理,2021,38(1),27-33,核心
    (11)    超临界水中硫酸钠结晶动力学的分子动力学模拟,周璐*,马红和,计算物理,2020,37(2),212-220.核心
    (12)    硫醇修饰铜纳米流体辐射与导热特性研究,赵翊帆,周璐*,马红和,化学工程,2021,49(2),6-11. 核心
    (13)    一步法制备铜导热油纳米流体的导热系数与黏度,朱杰伟,周璐*,张宇航,吉祝昊,马红和,化学工程,2022,50(5),30-35. 核心


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