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学科:1. 电气工程 2. 能源互联网工程
研究领域或方向:1. 综合能源系统、智能电网规划与优化运行 2. 碳排放计算溯源与优化管理 3. 能量点对点交易 4. 分布式优化 5. 不确定性优化 6. 博弈理论
  • 学术兼职
  • 学术论文
  • 主持项目

    IEEE transaction on power systems,IEEE transaction on smart grid等国际期刊审稿人
    [1] Chang X, Xu Y, Gu W, Sun H, Chow M Y, and Yi Z. Accelerated distributed hybrid stochastic/robust energy management of smart grids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(8): 5335-5347. (SCI, IF: 12.3)
    [2] Chang X, Xu Y, Sun H. A distributed online learning approach for energy management with communication noises [J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 13 (1): 551-566. (SCI, IF: 8.8)
    [3] Chang X, Xu Y, Sun H, et al. A distributed robust optimization approach for the economic dispatch of flexible resources[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021, 124:106360. (SCI ,IF: 5.2)
    [4] Chang X, Xu Y , H Sun. Online distributed neurodynamic optimization for energy management of renewable energy grids[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021, 130:106996. (SCI, IF: 5.2)
    [5] Chang X, Xu Y, H Sun. Vertex scenario-based robust peer-to-peer transactive energy trading in distribution networks [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 138: 107903. (SCI , IF: 5.2)
    [6] Chang X, Xu Y, H Sun. Privacy-Preserving DistributedNeurodynamic Based Approach for P2P Energy Transaction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2023,38(4):3413-3426.(SCI , IF: 6.6)

    [7] Chang X, Xu Y, H Sun. A Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Peer-to-Peer Energy Management Approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,early access.(SCI , IF: 9.6)

    [8] 常馨月,刘国伟,许银亮,赵宇明,沈欣炜. 考虑可再生能源和电动汽车的分布式资源集群能量管理方法[J]. 电网技术. (中文核心)
    [9] Zhao L, Xue Y, Sun H, Du Y,Chang X,Su J, Li Z.Benefit allocation for combined heat and power dispatch considering mutual trust.Applied energy[J],2023,345:121279.(SCI , IF: 11.2)
    [10]Zhang J, Chang X*, Sun H, et al. Stochastic planning considering the uncertainties of renewable energy seasonal correlation and sub-DR for smart distribution network[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023, Accepted. (SCI, IF: 7.1)

    1.    主持山西省青年基金项目《考虑多重不确定性的低碳综合能源系统多能碳排放管理方法》
    2.    国家基金委区域创新发展联合基金 《极地综合能源系统清洁低碳安全运行与协同控制理论和方法》课题2负责人


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